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  1. August 2024 Retrospective


  2. July 2024 Retrospective

    How the mighty have fallen.

  3. WWDC 2024: Sessions I've Watched

    A list of all the sessions from WWDC 2024 that I've watched.

  4. June 2024 Retrospective

    PAN! PAN! PAN! PAN! PAN! 🍞

  5. WWDC 2024: Thoughts on the Keynote

    Will Apple actually be able to deliver on generative intelligence?

  6. May 2024 Retrospective

    Happy Leafs Elimination Day!

  7. April 2024 Retrospective

    What do now?

  8. March 2024 Retrospective

    "I try to stay just ahead of my depression"

  9. February 2024 Retrospective

    I like video games.

  10. January 2024 Retrospective

    Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.

  11. My most anticipated games of 2024

    So far 2024 is shaping up to be a pretty light year for video games.

  12. December 2023 Retrospective

    All in all, 2023 was actually not that bad a year.

  13. 2023 Resolutions Retrospective

    Looking back at the resolution I made for 2023.

  14. Games of the Year 2023: The Playlist

    A list of every video game I played in 2023.

  15. Games of the Year 2023: Backlog

    I missed a lot of great games in 2023.

  16. Games of the Year 2023: Honourable Mentions

    Some solid shoulder shrugs on this year's list.

  17. Games of the Year 2023: The Bad

    I know this list is going to piss a lot of people off but I hope as time passes I will be vindicated.

  18. Games of the Year 2023: The Good

    I may have played my "Game of the Decade".

  19. November 2023 Retrospective

    Back to Japan!

  20. Japan 2023: Day 14

    HND ✈️ YYZ
