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Reid Main

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🔗 fast.ai

@thecapeador @reidmain +1, the free @fastdotai courses are consistently exceptional. Focused on the nuts and bolts of practical applied ML without falling down the (very interesting but very deep) rabbit hole of theory: fast.ai

By @clattner_llvm on April 4, 2019

Recently I have grown afraid of the fact that I really only have one skillset when it comes to programming. I am very confident in my ability to build and maintain an iOS app but I can do little of anything else when it comes to software development. I bought a Udemy course on Docker as a baby step to try to break myself out of this self-imposed exile.

When I asked Chris Lattner on Twitter for tips on understanding machine learning and he actually responded I was immediately intrigued. Machine learning is no doubt going to become more important throughout my lifetime and even having just a intermediate understanding of it will probably help my career down the line.